
Vacant Home Refurbishment Grant

The Vacant Home Refurbishment Grant in Ireland is a financial incentive designed to encourage the refurbishment of vacant and derelict properties. Homeowners can receive up to €50,000 to transform a vacant house into their permanent residence or a rental property. This initiative aims to address housing shortages and revitalise communities by bringing empty properties back into use.

For properties that are not just vacant but also derelict, an additional Derelict Property Top-up Grant is available. This top-up can reach up to €20,000, bringing the total potential grant to €70,000 for properties that are structurally unsound and dangerous. To qualify for this top-up, homeowners must provide an independent report confirming the property’s derelict status.

Administered by local authorities, the grant prioritises applications in areas with high levels of vacancy or dereliction. Eligible properties must have been vacant for at least two years and built on or before 2007. Homeowners must either live in the refurbished property or make it available for rent, contributing to the local housing supply.
House Insulation Grants

The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) offers a range of insulation grants to help homeowners improve the energy efficiency of their homes. These grants cover attic insulation, cavity wall insulation, internal insulation (dry lining), and external wall insulation (the wrap), making homes more comfortable and reducing heating bills.

Eligibility for these grants is generally open to all homeowners, including landlords, whose homes were built and occupied before 2011. The grant values vary depending on the type of home and the insulation upgrade being undertaken.

Here’s a table summarising the grant values for different types of insulation:
Insulation Type Apartment Mid-Terrace Semi-detached or End of Terrace Detached House
Attic Insulation €800 €1,200 €1,300 €1,500
Cavity Wall Insulation €700 €800 €1,200 €1,700
Internal Insulation (Dry Lining) €1,500 €2,000 €3,500 €4,500
External Wall Insulation (The Wrap) €3,000 €3,500 €6,000 €8,000

These grants are a key step in making your home more energy-efficient and can significantly reduce heat loss and heating bills.
Traditional Farm Buildings Grant

The Traditional Farm Buildings Grant is a scheme managed by the Heritage Council in partnership with the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine. It aims to conserve and repair traditional farm buildings and related structures that are of significant heritage value and contribute to the character of the landscape.

In 2024, the scheme offered grants ranging from €4,000 to €30,000, covering up to 75% of the cost of the conservation work. This work includes repairs to roofs, walls, structural repairs, windows, and doors, as well as other related farm structures like historic yard surfaces, walls, gate pillars, and gates.

Eligibility for the grant was restricted to farmers participating in certain agricultural schemes, such as ACRES, EIP projects, and the Organic Farming Scheme. The process is highly competitive, and it is expected that 70–80 projects will be supported each year.

Residential Solar PV Grant

The Residential Solar PV Grant in Ireland provides homeowners, including landlords, with financial support to install solar photovoltaic panels. This grant is designed to promote the generation of renewable electricity and support the national transition to a low-carbon, sustainable energy system.

Homeowners can receive up to €800 per kWp for the first 2kWp and an additional €250 for every kWp up to 4kWp, with the total grant capped at €2,100.

Here’s a table summarising the grant values for solar PV systems:
System Size (kWp) Grant Amount (€)
Up to 2 kWp €800 per kWp
2.5 kWp €1,725
3 kWp €1,850
4 kWp €2,100 (capped)

These grants make it more affordable for homeowners to invest in solar technology, reducing their energy bills and contributing to environmental sustainability.

Energy Upgrade Grants

The Energy Upgrade Grants in Ireland are designed to support homeowners in enhancing the energy efficiency of their homes. These grants are part of the National Home Energy Upgrade Scheme and aim to improve the warmth and comfort of properties while reducing energy costs.

These grants support a range of upgrades, from insulation to heating systems, helping homeowners achieve a B2 BER rating or better. The grant amounts vary, providing substantial financial assistance to cover a portion of the upgrade costs.

Here’s a table summarising the grant amounts for various energy upgrades under the scheme:
Upgrade Type Grant Amount (€)
Attic Insulation Up to €1,500
Cavity Wall Insulation Up to €1,700
Internal Insulation (Dry Lining) Up to €4,500
External Wall Insulation (The Wrap) Up to €8,000
Heating Controls €700
Heat Pump Systems Varies
Solar Water Heating Up to €1,200
Solar PV Panels Up to €2,100

These grants are designed to make energy upgrades more accessible and affordable for homeowners, contributing to Ireland’s green transition.

The Housing Adaptation Grant for Older People in Ireland is designed to assist the elderly in living comfortably and safely in their own homes. This grant helps cover the cost of necessary repairs or improvements, such as structural repairs, re-wiring, and the provision of water and sanitary services. The scheme aims to improve the condition of an older person’s home, ensuring it is suitable for their needs.

The maximum grant available under this scheme is €8,000, which may cover up to 95% of the approved cost of works. The grant is means-tested, and the amount awarded depends on the applicant’s household income, with priority given to lower-income households.

Administered by local authorities, the Housing Aid for Older People Grant is part of a suite of adaptation grants for older people and people with a disability. These grants are crucial in supporting the elderly to maintain independence and continue living in their own communities.